CSE331 Project Milestone 2 - AVR Digital Thermometer Flow Chart
Since the basic version of my project is quite simple, the flowchart is also straightforward. I am getting the feeling that when I start building the project, it will probably require additional steps than listed above. Since I don't have a lot of knowledge, I am unable to imagine what those steps could be. I will know when I start I guess. For example, I only came to know recently that I have to "burn" my code using a programmer. There are probably many more stuff that I don't know, so it is kind of difficult to draw the chart accurately. Work Flow Read the AVR manual found on here . Understand how AVR Programmer works. Complete some tutorials on AVR Programming. Connect the components using this post as the reference. Test and debug until it works. Once the above 5 steps are completed, we move to next stage where we upgrade the project.