CSE331 Project Milestone 2 - AVR Digital Thermometer Flow Chart

Since the basic version of my project is quite simple, the flowchart is also straightforward.

I am getting the feeling that when I start building the project, it will probably require additional steps than listed above. Since I don't have a lot of knowledge, I am unable to imagine what those steps could be. I will know when I start I guess.

For example, I only came to know recently that I have to "burn" my code using a programmer. There are probably many more stuff that I don't know, so it is kind of difficult to draw the chart accurately.

Work Flow

  1. Read the AVR manual found on here.
  2. Understand how AVR Programmer works.
  3. Complete some tutorials on AVR Programming.
  4. Connect the components using this post as the reference.
  5. Test and debug until it works.
Once the above 5 steps are completed, we move to next stage where we upgrade the project.


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